The healthiest dietary

Image result for healthy diet for asthma patient

healthy diet can reduce health risks for diseases such as hypertension, and heart disease experts suggested that adopting better eating habits can also help people with asthma to reduce symptoms and have better control of their condition.

To determine how well each person’s asthma was controlled, experts depends on self-reporting via a questionnaire over a four-week period. Participants tracked the occurrence of symptoms, the impact of asthma on their activity, and the need to use emergency medications.

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The healthiest dietary scores included lots of fruits and vegetables as well as whole-grain cereal. Diets high in meat, salt, and sugar were the least healthy.

Based on my research, i discovered that a healthier diet was associated with a 40 percent lower chance of men experiencing asthma symptoms and a 30 percent lower incidence for women. A healthier diet can also linked with a better control of the symptoms. Men eating a healthy diet had a 71 percent lower chance of having poorly controlled symptoms, and women had a 34 percent lower chance.

Image result for fruits like vegetables and fiber

Based on my findings, i found out that a diet that is rich in fruits like vegetables and fiber is more likely to lower asthma symptoms and also adding a diet with a high intake of meat, salt may potentially worsen symptoms of asthma, and also it is more important to look at diet and exercise changes to help control asthma symptoms, It provides another  avenue to help patients get better control of their asthma.

by Azuka ugoji at 15/08/18


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