
Showing posts from August, 2018

Home remedy for constipation relief

Constipation occurs when you have movements in the intestine that contain hard, dry stools that are difficult or even painful to pass. Most cases, constipation makes it feel as though you are unable to completely empty your stomach. Treatment for constipation depends on its severity,  acute or chronic, and cause which can include a range of factors from a low-fiber diet to medications to other health issues, Lack of fiber in the diet is often the cause of constipation. experts suggested that adults should take 29 to 41 grams of dietary fiber each day. But only 8 percent of the population actually reaches this goal with the average intake being just 19 grams per day, eating more fruits like vegetables and whole-grain cereals can help relieve constipation. Drinking water and other healthy beverages also help for constipation relief as the liquid can help make fiber more effective at maintaining regularity. Some other lifestyle changes can also help relieve  constipati

The healthiest dietary

healthy diet can reduce health risks for diseases such as hypertension, and heart disease experts suggested that adopting better eating habits can also help people with asthma to reduce symptoms and have better control of their condition. To determine how well each person’s asthma was controlled, experts depends on self-reporting via a questionnaire over a four-week period. Participants tracked the occurrence of symptoms, the impact of asthma on their activity, and the need to use emergency medications. The healthiest dietary scores included lots of fruits and vegetables as well as whole-grain cereal. Diets high in meat, salt, and sugar were the least healthy. Based on my research, i discovered that a healthier diet was associated with a 40 percent lower chance of men experiencing asthma symptoms and a 30 percent lower incidence for women. A healthier diet can also linked with a better control of the symptoms. Men eating a healthy diet had a 71 percent lower chance of havi

Depression a major health issue

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting adults and adolescent. It is a serious mental illness in which cause sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, anger, frustration, or other negative emotions like irritability (especially in adolescents) it can last for months and years which disturb the human life. it can also cause deep emotional pain . Depression is a also an health issue that can lead to the cause of injury or illness for men and women around the world. People with depression are more likely to die from suicide as well as from other illnesses, such as heart disease. Some people experience only one episode of major depression in their life, while others may go through numerous recurrent kind of  illness. based on my research i found out that people with condition known as persistent depressive disorder also known as dysthymia ( a low mood occurring for at least two years, along with at least two other symptoms of depression. Examples of sy

The great skin diet

The foods you eat are just as important as the creams or lotions you apply on your face,  And certain nutrients can help you save face more than others . Antioxidants are crucial when it comes to maintaining a youthful glow and they can also fight off free-radical damage that can cause skin to age prematurely. Other complexion savers include vitamin A, lycopene, and fiber. Luckily they’re easy to incorporate into your diet and there are also other foods that  will make you glow from the inside out. Honey honey offers some benefits for your skin but real honey produced by bees that pollinate the bush may be the best.  The antioxidants in honey are exceptionally good at binding to free radicals and reducing them and that’s important since free radicals that come from the sun destroy collagen and elastin which keep skin smooth and supple. Honey can be found at most natural food markets. To reap the benefits add a tea spoon into a cup of green tea or plain yogurt. cucumb

Some major reasons to do exercise

The major reasons to do exercise, For some it’s not because you booked a beach vacation or focused on staying healthy. No matter what your motivation is we can all agree that the benefits of exercise are obvious. But there is  a stealthier payoff: healthy skin. Instant Glow When you get your heart pumping from aerobic exercise, you’re supplying your skin with a nice dose of oxygenated blood that gives you that great post-workout glow. Wrinkle Reduction Working out also helps maintain healthy levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. “Elevated cortisol levels are linked to increased sebum production which means more acne breakouts,”  Too much cortisol can also cause the collagen in the skin to break down which can increase wrinkles and sagging. “Exercise actually supports the production of collagen” The boost in this protein helps to keep your skin firm, supple and elastic. Acne Relief Regular exercise boosts circulation. It nourishes your skin and bringing

Magnesium-rich foods and foods high in calcium

Magnesium-rich foods and foods high in calcium make a wonderful health duo, because when you’re getting foods high in magnesium, it's easier for your body to absorb calcium and put it to good use.  That’s why almost all milk products are recommended as foods containing magnesium; roughly 32 mg of magnesium are found in one container of low- or nonfat plain yogurt, which, along with a fiber-rich fruit, makes an easy breakfast choice. Avocados are a good source of magnesium, as well as being loaded with vitamins, heart-healthy nutrients, and disease-thwarting chemical compounds. Magnesium-rich avocados are one of the most nutritious and versatile produce picks around. Add one half of a sliced avocado to your salad or sandwich at lunch, and you’ll easily consume 15 percent of the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Like nuts, avocados are also rich in healthy fats, which makes them a concentrated source of calories. So keep portion size in mind when you're enj

How to Cut Bad Fat and Cholesterol

An easy way to make your diet heart-healthy,  is to visualize every plate and load up on foods low in unhealthy fats. “Have half of the plate filled with colorful, vibrant fruits and vegetables, a quarter with whole grains, and the remaining quarter with protein, focusing on lean protein. The first step :The fats that raise cholesterol come mostly from animal products and processed baked goods, so if you are trying to cut back on cholesterol levels, you should be trying to limit those, That primarily means avoiding red meat and fat-containing dairy products. The second step: Know the difference between good and bad fats in the diet, recommend limiting fat intake to 25 to 35 percent of your daily calories overall. Different types of dietary fats however, can have very different effects on the body and especially on heart health. Saturated fats are fats that are naturally solid at room temperature. “They act the same way in the body and harden in blood vessels,” Satur

Honey and Cinnamon health benefit

Honey and cinnamon can both boost your health, but some people think they have even more powerful benefits when combined. Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavouring additive in a wide variety of cuisines. Bladder Infection :   These are bacteria  that lives on the intestines and most of the time, they’re not a problem. Everyone has them. But if they get into the urethra, they can end up in the bladder and cause an infection. Bladder infections are more common in women than men for several reasons. During pregnancy, the baby can press on your bladder, which prevents it from emptying completely and gives bacteria a place to thrive. After menopause, women have less of the hormone estrogen. That causes the lining of the urethra to get thinner and may change the balance of bacteria in the vagina, making infections more likely. When men get them, a prosta